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Aviss Health
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 11 reviews
 by Dr P Tyagi

The service is great and easy to find on Internet. We had to have a repeat study due to some 'software glitch' in the first study and had to get it redone. The second time it seems to have worked as still awaiting confirmation. The person who came the second time seemed more experienced but the machine was very old and should be renewed! Both technicians were wellannered and properly dressed. The study overall was smooth and the admin staff coordinating the study Ms Arpita is very helpful.

 by Rahul Sharna

The staff was very helpful and Dr Himanshu is a really good

 by Arpita Srivastava

My aunt always struggled with my uncle's snoring .I consulted and took advice given by Dr. Himanshu Garg Sleep apnea Specialist in Gurgaon. His staff are very knowledgeable with a friendly yet professional approach.

 by Priya Chopra

I have been consulting Dr Himanshu Garg, best lung specialist in Gurgaon for almost an year now since my mother was diagnosed with lung disorder, ILD. Considering my mom's age (70+) it had been a tough journey specifically this winter and increasing pollution levels in Delhi NCR region last year.
Every time I consulted Dr Himanshu Garg he guided us in-depth about the disease and patiently heard her problems and adapted the medication accordingly. As she is on steroids, Dr Himanshu continuously guided us its implications proactively which we really appreciate. Thanks a lot, Dr Himanshu for your expert guidance and care.

 by Rajeev garg

Team was highly Supportive and professional . Sleep study conducted very comfortably.

Very good guidance and support at each step.

 by anup singh

Technician sanjan yadav took very good care during sleep study

 by Rajiv Nair

Dr Himanshu and his team are professional s in curing sleep disorder s

 by Vineet

The sleep study conducted was very good and technician made sure that i get comfortable with it asap. Technician also made sure that he take good care of every minute details.

 by Amit

Prompt response and very good knowledge...

 by Prerana

Dr Himanshu Garg is the best sleep physician.

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  • . What are the main symptoms or complains? - Snoring - Daytime fatigue - Fall asleep when inactive for short times - Uncontrollable sleep urge sometimes in the day time 2. How did I come to know about you? - Mr Harpreet Uppal (lawyer) from faridabad who is your client gave me your reference and contact numbers 3. How was the experience of the sleep study? - Mr Sanjan has taken good care and very patient. I had a good experience 4. How was i feeling in the morning? - I have felt extremely fresh in the morning and till now (11.00) i did not have even the urge of sleeping yet. Its a great feeling.

    Er Shrikant Raj Avatar Er Shrikant
    July 14, 2017
  • Rohit Kumar Avatar Rohit Kumar
    March 21, 2016
  • Praveen Kumar Avatar Praveen Kumar
    March 9, 2017
  • Best in Class. Good Physicians definitely you'll get treated with your expectations.

    Tony Pittas Avatar Tony Pittas
    February 17, 2016
  • Garima Singh Avatar Garima Singh
    February 15, 2016

Had a goodnight sleep after long time. The team of Sleep Specialists and Sleep Technicians at Aviss Health who performed my Home Sleep study were very professional and had good knowledge of the process which made the study very comfortable and informative.


Excellent Respiratory Physician with great knowledge of the field. Dr. Garg explained everything in such detail I felt much better about my diagnosis afterwards. I really could not speak more highly of a Respiratory Doctor in Gurgaon.


I had a sleep study conducted by Aviss Health at the comfort of my home. I absolutely love the ease of this product.Will recommend it to friends who need to have this test done.


I am sleeping much better. My moods are better. I am more alert and my memory is improving. It is my intention to not keep SCS a secret. Many Indians deserve to have this medical cure.