
What is Lung Rehab?

It is a therapy designed to reduce patient symptoms of respiratory causes, optimize his normal wellbeing through exercise training, and increase participation in daily activities. Lung Rehab ultimately aims at stabilizing the disease and reducing the burden of financial cost incurred due to it.

Who refers the patients for Lung Rehab?

It is generally the respiratory specialist doctor, physiotherapist, general physician, respiratory nurse, specialized respiratory pharmacist who refer the patients for Lung Rehab.

Who benefits from it?

Patients suffering from progressive and ongoing lung disease (COPD, Asthma,ronchiectasis, Cystic Fibrosis etc) Patients suffering with occupational or environmental lung disease Patients with chest wall deformities (scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis etc) Obese patients with respiratory difficulties

How long does rehab treatment lasts?

A typical rehab treatment period lasts for 8-12 weeks. Increased duration of treatment facilitates greater improvement in patient's health and well being. One session generally lasts from 30 minutes to 40 minutes in the initial few training sessions. As the patient's symptoms and well being improves the training time is reduced and if deemed safe by the doctor and the therapist then the patient can move to home based rehab for maintenance and improvement.