COPD and Exercise: Good Or Bad?

COPD and Exercise: Good Or Bad?

Shortness of breath is a common symptom in COPD that often leaves the ones living with the disease in a fix whether to take up exercise or not. Surprisingly, numerous studies have revealed that exercise has been found to benefit those with COPD. However, people with COPD mostly have a common question, If they can exercise or not, and here are the answers to some of these common questions.

Should People with COPD Exercise?

Yes, of course people with COPD can exercise for a healthier life ahead. Many of the patients are rather scared to follow an exercise regime, however, little are they aware that inactivity could worsen the symptoms of COPD. It often leads to decreased muscle mass and cardiovascular function.

Regular moderate exercise shall help to reduce shortness of breath, COPD symptoms, strengthen the muscles, improve the overall stamina, effectively use oxygen and improve circulation.

What Type Of Exercises Should People With COPD Do?

Now that you know that people with COPD must exercise for a healthier living, below we have talked about a couple of exercises that you may include in your daily routine:

Cardiovascular Exercise, commonly known by the name aerobic exercise, uses the large muscle groups that work to strengthen the heart and the lungs. Cardiovascular exercises also effectively improve the utilisation of oxygen by the human body for different set of activities.

Strength Training, commonly known as weight training, helps to build muscles and increases the overall strength of the body. More the muscles, stronger shall you feel and therefore also feel capable of doing strenuous day-to-day activities.

-Stretching, indeed the simplest, but the most effective too. It helps to improve the overall flexibility of the body and therefore reduces the chance of stiffness in the muscles.

-Breathing exercises, undoubtedly have been found to be the most beneficial for people with COPD. By learning breathing techniques, you can not only reduce the chances of breathlessness but also combat problems such as stress.

Needless to say, people with COPD must always choose to practice a sport or an exercise only post a fetching a consent from the doctor.? It is important to perform exercises with the right intensity and at the adequate frequency.

How Often Should People With COPD Exercise?

The frequency of exercises for a person with COPD may be deterred by several factors such as;

  • Severity of the disease
  • Current state of activity
  • State of mind
  • Type of exercise

Together these factors decide for the frequency at which exercises should be performed. When you choose to exercise, make sure you;

  • Do not overdo it
  • Your doctor/ lung specialist along with you, can wisely choose the set of exercises that shall serve you best.
  • You keep your doctor/ lung specialist updated about your exercise regime as well.
  • You choose your exercise wisely

Why Are People With COPD Asked To Join Pulmonary Rehabilitation?

Pulmonary rehabilitation/ Chest Physiotherapy is an intensive program that focuses on optimizing the social and physical well-being of the patients affected with a chronic lung disease, helps the patients breathe easy and helps to improve their quality of life.

During this program, the patients are taught to exercise and breathe efficiently under the supervision of experts.

The Pulmonary rehabilitation program benefits the patients with chronic lung disorders in several ways, some of which include:

-Allows them to practice physical fitness and functioning

-Increases active involvement in day-to-day activities

-Reduces breathlessness

-Improves quality of life

-Enhances knowledge about lung conditions

-Boosts the mood and serves as a motivation

-Reduces the frequency of hospital admissions


If you suffer from chronic cough or feel breathless or have any other lung problem meet the best Pulmonologist and Specialised Chest Physiotherapist in Gurgaon at Aviss Health.

Call us on ? 9871613322, or 0124 4255211 / 4104679

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