How to take care of your CPAP machine and mask?

CPAP Machine Cleaning & Maintenance, AvissHealth

CPAP is shorthand for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, and is a remarkable device that helps keep the airways open to induce a good night’s sleep. This device is generally used by people with breathing problems, such as sleep apnea.

At Aviss Health, we do our best to help our patients sleep well with a thorough guidance on the best sleeping practices, medications, and modern devices like CPAP machine.

Taking care of your CPAP is quick and simple  just follow the process we’ve outlined for you here.

CPAP Mask Cleaning and Replacement

You should take good care of your mask; else it might run out of use quicker than expected. The mask cushions are made of silicone, and can be cleaned easily. Here’re the tips:

  • It’s important that you wash your mask every day  you can use warm water or buy CPAP mask specific wipes and detergents
  • Let the mask dry out  but keep it away from direct sunlight
  • Wash your face thoroughly before you put on the mask at night
  • Every week or so, let your mask soak in solution of 1 part white vinegar 3 parts water  rinse it afterwards with distilled water
  • Avoid washing machine or dryer for cleaning Headgear and chinstraps  try hand wash instead
  • Replace your mask cushions 1-2 times a month, and mask every 3 to 6 months  or you can consult your sleep specialist
  • Clean the tubing as well  try cleaning them every week with warm and soapy water

Cleaning the CPAP Humidifier

The humidifier helps keeping morning dry mouth at bay, and also helps with nasal turbinates from becoming irritated and inflamed. With some simple steps, you can keep your humidifier clean and effective.

  • First, remove the chamber from the machine’s humidifier
  • Now open the chamber and clean it well with warm, soapy water
  • Now let it dry on a piece of clean cloth
  • Soak the chamber every once in a week in a solution of 1 part white vinegar 3 parts water for about 15-20 minutes  then rinse it with distilled water
  • Replace your chamber every 6 months or so, or as your doctor suggests

Cleaning Your CPAP Filters

You’ll often see a disposable white paper filter with your device  some devices also come with an additional non-disposable grey filter.

  • The gray filter needs to be cleaned every week or so
  • Rinse the filter well with water and let it dry
  • Replace your filters when they begin to look worn out or after a period of 6 months
  • You can replace the white filters once in a month or when they appear worn out
  • Also do try dusting your machine off with a slightly damp cloth every once in a while

General Tips for CPAP Maintenance & Cleaning

Now let’s come down to a couple of general cleaning tips. They include:

  • Cleaning the equipment in the mornings to allow it enough time to dry out
  • Avoid direct sunlight else you might damage the machine or its components
  • Avoid bleach
  • Replace the machine accessories when the equipment itself goes out of order
  • Always place your CPAP on a level surface away from things like curtains  since they may interfere with the air intake
  • Keep a note of when you should clean or replace your equipment or its parts so that you continue to get the most out of your CPAP therapy

That’s it for now. We’ll come back with more. But do remember that you can contact or visit Aviss Health, Gurgaon whenever you feel you need help with a sleep disorder.


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